Rhode Island Hospital Cafeteria Mural by Bonnie Lee Turner and Charles C. Clear III

Rhode Island Hospital Cafeteria Mural, 38′ x 12′, 2010
Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
by Charles C. Clear III and Bonnie Turner

This scenic Mural was painted in the busy cafeteria of Rhode Island Hospital in Providence. Gracing a large wall high above the diners, the scenic mural features a view of Colt State Park in Bristol, Rhode Island. The meticulously detailed Old Stone Bridge dominates the center of the Mural, with the still waters of Mill Gut Pond on the right, and at the top is a dramatic skyscape featuring clouds breaking in the early morning light.

The large scenic mural is a fine example of a successful public art project, and was commissioned by Lifespan Inc to promote their new employee health program.

To commission an eye-catching attention-getting Mural for your Hospital or Healthcare Facility, contact me today!

Bonnie Lee Turner

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